Love Being Catholic!

Love Being Catholic

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Thank you for all your prayers and support! Please know I am praying for you too!

In Christ,

Liz – http://www.LoveBeingCatholic.com


Jesus I trust in You!


Jesus I trust in You!

Why are you troubled and confused by the problems that life brings you? Let me care of all your things and they in turn will be better. When you leave them to me, everything is resolved with peace of mind according to my plans.

Do not despair; do not direct agitated prayers to me, as if you want to demand my fulfillment of your desires. Instead of that, close the eyes of your soul and with peace state, “Jesus I trust in You!”

Avoid those concerns that distress you wanting to understand the things that happen to you. Do not ruin my plans by imposing your ideas to me. Allow me to be God, and act freely in your life. Abandon yourself confidently in me. Rest in me and leave your future in my hands. Tell me frequently, “Jesus I trust in You!”

When you say, “Jesus I trust in you”, don’t be like the patient who asks the doctor to cure him, but suggest how to do so. Let me carry you in my divine arms. Don’t be afraid, I love you.

If you think that things worsen or get complicated despite your prayers, remain confident in me. Close the eyes of your soul and continue to say at every moment, “Jesus I trust in You!” I need my hands free to be able to be express my blessings. Do not bind my hands with your useless worries. The devil wants you frustrated, sad, anguished, and to take your peace.

Trust in me, rest in me, abandon yourself to me; I do miracles to the extent that you’ve abandoned yourself to me and according to the faith you have in me. So don’t worry, give me all your anxieties and sleep in peace and tell me always, “Jesus I trust in You!”

And you shall see great miracles, I promise you with all my love,


St. Michael Prayer


Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.